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Grapefruit Essential Oil for Weight Loss

Grapefruit Essential Oil for Weight Loss

You might have heard about the uses of essential oils for aromatherapy, and you might have eaten grapefruit as part of a weight-loss regimen in the past. Grapefruit essential oil for weight loss is something that scientists have recently studied with the relationship between the human sense of smell and the phenomenon of weight loss, and they have come to some very intriguing conclusions. If you are interested in adding an enjoyable and effective element to your program to lose weight, please continue reading.

Grapefruit Essential Oil For Weight Control

Before you rush out to purchase grapefruit oil, it's important to put things in perspective. This is not some magic bullet that will allow you to continue with destructive habits. It is not a cure that allows you to use aromatherapy and ignore other advice.

What the use of certain essential oils and some other aromatherapy remedies will do for you is to help you bridge the gap between your desire to lose weight and actual weight loss.

Many people who are overweight wish they could lose weight. Not everyone feels equipped to actually shed the pounds. Using aromatherapy for weight loss helps with two important aspects of weight loss. First, they help to manage feelings of hunger and cravings that can spiral out of control. Secondly, they can help to mitigate some of the factors that contribute to weight problems in the first place, such as feelings of stress, depression, and anxiety over life's problems. In essence, using aromatherapy can be a valuable part of a sensible and healthy plan for weight loss and lifestyle transformation.

Be Sure You Get a Quality Product

When using aromatherapy for weight loss, be sure you get high-quality, undiluted essential oil from a trusted source. Don't buy artificial scents, as they do not contain the same molecules that stimulate your brain's response.

How and Why Grapefruit Essential Oil Works

Research has shown that our sense of smell is closely related to our appetite. Feelings of satiety, or satisfaction, and even feelings of fullness can be affected by the sense of smell. When you inhale the scent of an essential oil, its microscopic molecules have a direct effect on the brain's hypothalamus, where the satiety center, which controls feelings of hunger and fullness is located. The satiety center interprets the signals that are given off by these molecules as a signal that you have had enough to eat.

Essential oils for weight loss such as Grapefruit Essential Oil can really give you fast results.

Commonly used as an antiseptic and disinfectant, grapefruit oil has a sweet, crisp, and uplifting aroma.

What Grapefruit Essential Oil Does

• Curbs cravings

• Boosts metabolism

• Increases energy

• Increase endurance

• Reduces abdominal fat accumulation

Why Grapefruit Essential Oil Works

Grapefruit contains nootkatone, a natural chemical compound. Nootkatone stimulates a specific enzyme (AMPK to be precise) that controls the body’s energy levels and metabolic rate. When nootkatone is introduced into the system, AMPK accelerates chemical reactions in the tissues of the brain, liver, and skeletal muscle. Research on the interactions between nootkatone and AMPK has resulted in increased endurance, reduced weight gain, and a decrease in body fat, as well as improved physical performance.

In another study lab, rats were exposed to grapefruit oil three times per week for 15-minute intervals. The outcome: reduced appetite and weight loss. It is thought that limonene – grapefruit’s primary component – induces lipolysis, the process whereby body fat and protein are broken down and dissolved.

Essential Oil Blends for Weight Loss

Blending essential oils can be a fun way to experiment with your favorite scents, all while achieving weight loss. To help you get started, I am going to show you a couple of ways to use oils that will help dissolve fat and suppress your appetite:

Fat Reducing Massage – Mix together a quarter cup of almond oil with five drops each of grapefruit, lemon, and cypress oil.

Anti-Cellulite Rub – Combine 10 drops of grapefruit, five drops of rosemary, and two drops each of cypress, peppermint, and ginger oils. Blend with a carrier oil before applying to the body.

Rejuvenating Bath – Add five drops each of grapefruit, ginger, orange, sandalwood, and lemon to a warm bath.

Appetite Suppressing Diffusion – Blend together 40 drops of mandarin, 20 drops of lemon, 12 drops of ginger, and 12 drops of peppermint, and add a few drops of the blend to your diffuser.

Metabolism Boosting Soak ¬– Draw a bath and add two tablespoons of jojoba oil, 10 drops of rosemary, 10 drops of cypress, and eight drops of grapefruit oil.

Craving Curbing Salve – Mix a half cup of olive oil with 80 drops of fennel, 40 drops of bergamot, and 24 drops of patchouli oil and massage on the abdomen.

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