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Rosemary Essential Oil Uses and Benefits

Rosemary Essential Oil Uses and Benefits

Rosemary Essential Oil Uses & Benefits

Rosemary, an aromatic shrub called Rosmarinus officinalis c.t. cineole, is derived from the Latin which means, dew of the sea. It produces a pale-yellow oil which has a medium to strong aroma. The consistency of the oil is thin but has a strong, clear, penetrating, camphoraceous and herbaceous aroma. Its plant has a scaly bark and thin needle-like leaves and grows to about five to six feet. The Rosemary bush is in the mint family with cousins such as Basil, Lavender, Myrtle and Sage.

Most are familiar with Rosemary as only a popular culinary herb, yet in therapeutic essential oil form it holds powerful medicinal properties. In aromatherapy, Rosemary abilities range from stimulating cell renewal to healing respiratory problems and minimizing pain. Paracelsus, a renowned physician of the 16th century gave credence to the fact Rosemary strengthened the entire body and healed organs like the liver, brain and the heart.

What Exactly is an Essential Oil and How Can I Use? 

Essential oils are fragrant, vital fluids distilled from flowers, shrubs, leaves, trees, roots, and seeds. Because they are necessary for the life of the plant and play a vital role in the

biological processes of the vegetation, these substances are called “essential.” They carry the lifeblood, intelligence, and vibrational energy that endow them with the healing power to

sustain their own life—and help the people who use them.

All essential oils have unique medicinal properties, characteristics, and therapeutic benefits that will differ depending on the soil, climate, and altitude of the countries where the plants were grown. Today, oils are used in aromatherapy to promote well-being and good health. While the term aromatherapy can seem ambiguous, “scent” is only one aspect of aromatherapy, as

you will discover many more dramatic benefits for healing the body, mind, and spirit.

How Can Essential Oils Be Used? 

Inhalation, Topically, and ingestion are the three main methods of using essential oils.

  • Inhalation is when you smell an essential oil and the oil enters your body through your nose.
  • Topically is when you place the oil directly on your skin and this is absorbed into the body.
  • Ingestion, while one of the more risky methods, can be used to go directly to the stomach via capsules to be absorbed within the body.

Rosemary Essential Oil Benefits

Rosemary essential oil helps to overcome mental fatigue, sluggishness, forgetfulness by stimulating and strengthening the entire nervous system. It enhances mental clarity while aiding alertness and concentration. Rosemary essential oil can help to cope with stressful conditions and see things from a clearer perspective.

For respiratory problems, the effects of Rosemary are unparalleled. When inhaled, it offers immediate relief for congestion, allergies, colds, sore throat and flu. It is also beneficial for other respiratory infections and bronchial asthma.

Rosemary essential oil blends well with Frankincense, Lavender, Sage, Cedarwood, and Peppermint essential oils.

Analgesic Antibacterial Antidepressant
Antifungal Astringent Antiseptic
Carminative Antiviral Cephalic
Digestive Diuretic Emmenagogue
Hepatic Hypertensive Nervine
Rubefacient Antifungal Stimulant
Tonic Analgesic Anti-inflammatory
Cicatrizant Decongestant Expectorant
Antirheumatic Skin Regenerative

Rosemary Essential Oil Uses

1. Low Blood Pressure

Apply topically to the back of neck and aromatically to provide relief.

2. Jaundice & Liver Condition

Take internally in a capsule or apply topically over the stomach area to provide relief.

3. Mental, Adrenal & Chronic Fatigue

Diffuse aromatically with basil and apply topically to pulse points to provide relief.

4. Hair Loss

Apply topically to scalp area to provide a boost to help stimulate hair growth.

5. Nervousness & Depression

Diffuse to de-stress and provide relief.

6. Fainting

Apply topically to skin with geranium.

7. Emotional Balance

Use aromatically and topically to get balanced.

8. Cellulite

Take internally in a capsule and diffuse aromatically to help support the lymphatic system.

9. Tired & Stiff Muscles

Apply topically with wintergreen or apply topically to affected areas for relief.

10. Bell's Palsy & Multiple Sclerosis

Apply topically to bottoms of feet and internally in a capsule.

11. Respiratory Infections

Diffuse aromatically or apply topically to chest area.

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